Eoghanacht Genealogies

Excerpt From
The Book of Munster

Written in 1703
Rev. Eugene O'Keeffe
Parish priest and Poet of Doneraile, North Cork

Branching out of the Race of Eoghan, son of Oilill Olum. Here commences the genealogies and the branches of relationships of the family of eoghan Mor son of Oilill Olum - as set out here; and beside the other descendants of Oilill Olum.

Eoghan Mor son of Oilill Olum, had one son i.e., Fiacha Muilleathan (i.e. Fiacha of the Flat head). This son was conceived as follows: one night Eoghan went to the house of Dil of the Crecraighe tribe, before going to the battle of Magh Mucruimbe. Dil then lived at Carn Fhearadhaig in the territory of the Northern Deis. This Dil then had a marriageable beautiful daughter called Muncha. While they were drinking Dil, the Druid, asked Eoghan if he had a family. No, said Eoghan. "Sleep with my daughter tonight," said the druid "and you shall have a wonderful child."" Eoghan agreed with this and Dil went to his daughter and said, "Cohabit with Eoghan tonight and there shall be conceived a son and he shall be a king and his family and race shall be a royal one afterwards and Eoghan shall be slain in the forthcoming battle of Magh Muchraime.

Muncha lay with Eoghan that night, at the druid's directive. Eoghan went off in the morning along with his kinsmen to join forces with Art son of Conn (from Tara) and they went to the battle of Magh Muchruime. Afterwards the druid and his daughter Muncha went to Western Magh Femhin, for there was Eoghan's residence at Knockgraffon.

When the time came for the child to be born, the druid said, "Daughter, if it is today that you shall bear the child, he shall be a druid; but if he is not born until tomorrow, the child shall be king and his descendants shall be a royal race."

Muncha said: "My son shall not be born until tomorrow so that he shall be king. The daughter of Dil's then goes to the River Suir, to Ath Hisil on the Suir. There was a great flagstone in the middle of the ford there - she lay flat on the stone until daybreak on the following day.

It is time now, O daughter - said her father, "to bear the child." The wonderful talented youth was then born, in the middle of the flagstone that is Fiacha Muilleathan - father of all the eoghanachta (tribe of Owen). Noble was the youth then born - Fiacha Fer da Liach i.e., Fiacha the Man of two Sorrows; his father was slain the day after his conception, his mother on the day of his birth.

Eventually Fiacha Muilleathan, son of Eoghan Mor, assumed the kingship of the two Munsters and during his reign Cormac Ua Cuind, king of Ireland, came (from Tara) with a hosting into Munster, demanding tribute from the two provinces of Munster. Cormac besieged the Munstermen at Druim Damhaire (Knockloag); this king weilded great power, both by the vastness of his army and the power of his druids. Cormac had British druids weaving their spells against the Munstermen, so that by necromancy they had dried up all the wells and rivers of Munster, so that the people and their lands were in danger of death from the want of water.

Then Fiacha Muilleathan sent for Mogh Ruith son of Fergus, the best druid to be found in Ireland. Mogh Ruith then lived in Oilen Dairbhre (Valentia Island) in his old age, blind and decrepit, as he had outlived nineteen kings of Ireland:- from the time of Roth mac Rioghuill (the druid who had trained Mogh Ruith in sorcery) to the time of Cairbre Lifechair son of Cormac mac Airt.

Mogh Ruith then came to meet Fiacha Muilleathan and the Munster nobles and they complained about what the druids of Leath Cuinn (Northern half of Ireland) had done to them. he undertook to oppose their magic spells, and he chose the territory of Fir Mhwige (Fermoy) as his reward. Mogh Ruith then overcame the druidery of Cormac and they defeated Cormac's forces routing them from Knockling to Tara with a great massacre. Fiacha Muilleathan the Munster king did not leave Leath Cuind until he got hostages and homage from Cormac mac Airt; as the poet Feidhlime mac Crimithann wrote:-

Good was the king Fiacha Muilleathan
A great territory the Half over which he ruled
He brought hostages from Tara the Strong
To Rathfuim to Rath Naoi
Though he was great; Cormac Ua Cuinn
He bowed to the king of Tir Duinn (Munster).

Fiacha Muilleathan had three noble sons, Oilill Flann Mor and Oilill Flann Beag and Deachluath. The latter, Deachluath is ancestor of the tribe called Ui Fiachach Eile (in north-east of Tipperary - Thurles and Roscrea) and Oilill Flann Mor left no issue.

The family of Oilill Flann Beag.

Oilill Flann Beag had four sons, i.e.,
1. Lughaid, ancestor of all the Eoghanachta; 2. Fiodach, father of Crimthann; 3. Daire Cearba from whom was the Ui Liathain; 4. Maine Munchaoin from whom the Ui Fidgeinte; (the O'Donovans and O'Collinses of mid and west Limerick)

Fiodach, to him was son Criomthann Mor mac Fiodhaig from whom is the tribe Clann Crimthann. He was king of Ireland and Britain.

It is this Crimthann who took the fortress of Doire Da Broc from the sons of Eochaid Mugmeadhon (of the kings of Tara) ie., from Brian, Fiachra, Oilill and Feargus. Crimthann's sister Muingfionn was mother of those four sons. So that her son, Brian, would ge the kingship of Ireland, she plotted to poison her brother, Criomthann; the latter died of that poisonous drink; and Mungfionn herself died as well at Inish Donglais on the Moy (Co. Mayo) - as she tasted the drink in order to induce her brother to drink from it. Crimthann having drunk it came to Sliabh Uidhe on Riogh "The Mountain of the King's Death" (now Cratloe Hill, Co. Clare) and there expired.

The four above named sons of Oilill Flann Beag divided Munster between them as follows.

From Comar no dTre in Utsge (Waterford Harbour) to Belach Conglais (Cork Harbour) - Luguid ancestor of the eoghanachta and Fiodach father of Criomthann took this half; from Belach Conglais (Cork Harbour) to Limerick - Daire Cearba and Maine Muncharim to this other half. These latter two Daire and Maine were born at one birth and concerning them (before birth their mother saw this vision: they were back to back in her womb and a black chafer between them. This was interpreted as follows: The tribe of Mogh Ruith the druid was the chafer placed between the Ui Liathain and the Ui Fidgeinte so that neither could come to the help of the other.

Lughaid son of Oilill Flann Beag (ancestor of all the Eoghacbhe) had four sons: 1. Lughaid, from whom were the little sept of Ui Luighdheach Eile (at Bomisoleigh, Co. Tiperrary) 2. Cathfaidh, from whom were the Ui Cathfhaid Cuile (these were scattered about N.W. Tipperary) 3. Corclosadh, the third son. The three above had as mother Dail, dau. of Fiacha, son of Niall, King of Eile. 4. Corc, son of Luighaid, the fourth son, from him the Eoghanachta and kingship of Munster.

Corc son of Lughaid.

The birth of Corc son of Lughaid. While Lughaid was in the kingship of Munster, Corc was born. Lughaid's wife then was Daoil daughter of Fiacha King of Eile. It happened that a woman satirist came to the king's house in Feimhin (South Tipperary plain). Doilg Ireithneach was her name. She put a desire to cohabit with her into the king's mind and born to them whom they called Conall son of Lugaid.

And why did he get the name Corc? The persons who fostered Conall were Maghlar Dearg of the Corca Oiche tribe (Abbeyfeale district) and Torna Eigeas the poet of the Ciaraigh Luachra (of Kerry) - they reared him in the house of Crimthann Mor now of Fiodhach. There were Sorceresses in Munster at that time, destroying youths and every newborn child they choose to destroy. Some of these Sorceresses led by Feidhlim daughter of Mothair came to the house when the infant Corc was. The nurses who were in the house hid the youth under an upturned cauldron which was in the house. Said one of the Sorceresses: Whom shall we destroy of the people of this house. Another said: None but whoever is hid beneath the cauldron. After that a spark shot out of the fire and pitched in the youth's ear so that it became purple (Corcra); hence he was called Corc.

The brancing-Out of the Descendants of Corc, Son of Lugaid, as follows:

Corc, son of Lugaid, had eleven sons. 1. Nadfraoich, from whom were the Eoghanacht of Cashel and the Eoghanacht of Glanworth and the Eoghanacht of Aine (Knockeiney) and the Eoghanacht of Airthir Cliach (Tipperary town district). 2. Cas, son of Corc, from whom were the Eoghanacht Raithlenn and Ui Eachach Mumhan (the O'Mahonys, O'Donoghues etc. in West Cork) 3. MacBroic from whom were the Ui Mhic Broic (unkown). 4. Ciar from whom were the Ui Mhic Ceir (an umimportant sept on the south side of Cork City)

These four were sons borne to Corc by Aoibhinne, daughter of Aonghus folg, king of Corca Louighodhe (the O'Driscoll sept in diocese of Ross, West Cork).

Corc, however, had four sons by Mungfionn daughter of Feredhach, King of the Picts of Scotland. 5. Cairbre Cruithneachan, from whom were the Eoghanacht of Magh Geirginn in Scotland. 6. Maine Leambna (i.e., Maine of Leven at Loch Leven in Scotland) from whom were the Leamhnaig of Scotland. 7. Cairbre Luachra (i.e., Cairbre of Sliobh Luachra on Cork-Kerry border), from whom were the Eoghanacht of Loch Lein (Killarney) and the Aos Aiste (Tuosist) Aos Alla (in Dhallow) and the Aos Greine (at Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick). 8. Croanan from whom were the Cuircus sept of Westmeath. The two Cairbres were twins.

Two of the latter four remained in Scotland in the hereditary paterning of their mother, of the Picts of Scotland, i.e., Cairbre Cruithneacain in Magh Geirrgimn (Kincardine) and Maine Leambna in Magh Leambna (Leven).

This Aoibhinn, daughter of Aonghus Bolg and the first wife of Cork, saw a vision the first night while she lay with the king of Cashel; She thought she bore four whelps - the first Nad Fracich, she bathed in wine; the second Cas, in ale, the thired, MacBroic in new milk, and the fourth, MacCiair, in water. Then came a fifth whelp and he was bathed in blood - Cairbre Cruithneacain and that he bit the nipples off her breasts then.

She also saw the vision in another form: four birds in a nest (in Cashel). Two other birds came to ireland and fought with them; then one went straight westwards and the other east. Of the four in the nest, three went ot the southwest while one remained in the nest with the queen - Nad Fraoich son of Corc was the one who stayed behind - he was king of Cashel of that queen's family.

Cas and MacBroic and MacCiair were the three who went southwest (west Cork). As to the two birds who came from other parts - the one who went westwards was Cairbre Luachra who went west over Luachair Deadhaid (Slieveloughra) and was ancestor of Ui Cairbre Luachra i.e., the Eoghanacht of Loch Lein (Killarney); and the bird who went eastwards was Cairbre Cruithneacain who went east to Scotland. Some say that these two Cairbres were but one and that Cairbre Cruitnechan (i.e., the son of the Pictish woman) was ancestor of the Eoghanacht of Loch Lein (the O'Moriarty sept).

Three other younger sons of Corc: Deaghaid from whom were the Ui Muircadhaigh and Ui Deaghidh. Trena from whom were the Cuircue, MacLaire from whom were the Ui MhicLaire.

Nad Fraoich son of Corc had four sons: Aonghus and Oilll, Eochaid and Feidlimid. Anghnuis daughter of Cairbre Damhairgid (king of Oriell) was wife of Nad Fraoich and mother of Oilll and from her are named the Cenel nAonghusa. Faochan, a British lady, daughter of the king of Britain was mother of Aonghus son of Nad Fraoich. Feidhlimid son of Nad Fraoich had two sons Baodan and Dunchadh; the latter had one son Eochaid and this Eochaid had two sons: Bresal from whom was the O'Bressail sept in Aine and Donnghus from whom was the O'Donoghue sept in Eoghanacht Ui Cathnidh.

Aonghus son of Nad Fraoich had 24 sons and 24 daughters at the time St. Patrick came to Ireland and he gave 12 sons and 12 daughters to God and St. Patrick. Folowing are the 12 sons who remained in the lay life: 1. Feidhlimid Dub from whom are the Cinel Fuighin (O'Sullivans) and Cenel Failbe Flann (MacCarthy sept). 2. Eochaid from whom is Cinel Fionghuine i.e., Eoghanacht of Glennamhain (the O'Keefes). 3. Breasal from whom was descended Cormac mac Cuillennain Archbishop of Cashel and King of Munster, at the one time (slain 908 A.D.) and the Cinel Neachtain. 4. Seanach - his descendants were servitors to the king in perpetuity. 5. Aodh Caoch from whom were the Cinel Caochain The following were three sons of Aongus by Eithne Uathach: 6. Mac Carthainn from whom were the Ui Duibhe. 7. Dubh Conaing 8. Dubhh Derainn 9. Aodh Colpa 10. Nad Frithridh from whom were the Ui Chruibhne. 11. Loagann 12. Nadgeid in Tir Duach these are located.

Eochaid, second son of Aongus son of Nad Fraoich; he had two sons - two Criomthanns who were born on the same night, i.e, Crimthann Feimh (or Sreibh) and Criomthann son of Dearcon (so called from his mother, Dearcon) - from the latter is the eoghanacht of Airther Cliach. Criomthann Feimhin, more usually called Crimthann Sreibh and from him is the Eoghanacht of Glanworth i.e, the Siol bCaoimh (O'Keefes).

Criomthann Sreibh had five sons; 1. Cairbre Crom (d. 580), from whom the Cinel Cathail Mac Finnghuine (O'Keefes). 2. Fiacha from whom Cinel Fiacha. 3. Aodh Cron from whom is Cinel Aodha Croin. 4. Fiachra Eidhsceach from whom is Dubh Deo, 5. Fearadach from whom is Cinel Fearadhaig.

It was Cairbre Crom who gave Cloyne to God and St.f colman mac Lenin (first bishop of diocese of Cloyne, d. 604).

Criomthann Airthir Cliach (mother of Crimthann Sreibh) had two sons: Fergus Sgannal from whom is Ui Annluain and this Fergus was king of Munster (slain 503) and Cormac son of Crimthann from whom was the Eoghanacht Airther Cliacl and Eoghanacht Leag in Ara cliach. Cormac had seven sons: Aodh Dubh, Aodh Leccan, Conell, Fergus, Fichua, Garbhan, Cronmhaol.

Aodh Flann Cathrach, son of Cairbre Crom had three sons: 1. Cathal from whom is the royal dynasty of Fermoy. 2. Cellach 3. Aonghus Liath (d. 645).

Cathal had seven sons: Cui-gan-Mathair ('motherless hound,' d. 664), Naolochtraigh, Cronmhaol, Maolanfaidh, Dubhda, Forannan and Aonghus.

Cu-gan-Mathair had two sons: Finnghuine and Oilill. The latter Oilill had three sons: Fogantach, Aonghus and Dubhda.

Finnghuine, son of Cu-gan-Mathair had one son: Cathan mac Finnghuine, from him ar the Ui Chaoimh with their relatives.


The descendants of Oilill son of Nad Fraoich: Eanna son of Oilill, son of Nad Fraoich, had two sons: Amhalgach, king of Munster, and Garbhan, king of Munster, from whom are the Ui Garbhain. Of the seed of Enna, also was Ailgeannan king of Munster and Olcobhar, king of the Southern Half of Ireland.

Amalgach son of Eanna, had a son: Cuan, king of Munster.

Cuan had a son - Maol Omha, king of Munster. This Maol Omha had two sons ie., Edirsgel and Uisneach. The latter was heir apparent to the Munster throne until slain by his brother i.e., by Edirsgel through envy and hatred. Edirsgel then assumed the kingship of Munster. He had one son: Cathasech, king of Munster.


The Race of Feidhlimidh

The branching out of the family of Feighlimidh son of Aongus son of Nad Fraoich.

Feidlimidh, son of Aonghus, son of Nad Fraoich had one son, i.e., Criomthann.

Criomthann had one son i.e., Aodh Dubh.

Aodh Dubh, had two noble sons i.e., Finghin of Feimhin (O'Sullivans) and Failbe Flann (MacCarthy). Both were kings of Munster.

Finghin, had two sons, ie., Seachnusach and Maonach. Both were Kings of Munster. Mor of Munster, daughter of Aodh Bennain was the mother of those two sons of Finghin's and all good Irishwomen have since, been compared with this woman. Finghin and Mor were the most famed and honoured couple in Ireland in their day. Finghin was king of Cashel and all Munster until he died at Cashel. Then his queen, Mor, married Cathal mac Finnghuine, the king of Glanworth. This Cathal was also king of Munsters. First he reigned from Cashel, then from Aine and afterwards from Blennnamhain.

Seachneesach, son of Fingin had four sons, Rechtabhra, Indeighi, Colman the Pius and Fiachra the warriar. Fiachra the warriar had one sons: Flann Robha. Flann robha, one son, i.e., Duibhionnracht. Duibhionnracht, had a son - Murchadh. Murchadh, had a son - Eachtohigern. Eachthigern, had a son - Maolughra and Maolughra's son was Eochaid alias Suilleabhain.

This Suilleabhain's real name was Eochaidh and how did the by-name originate? Once there came a British druid on a trip to Ireland. Lobhan Draoi his name. he came to Eochaid and rendered him much services at the time; Eochaid offered him many valuables and gifts in payment, but the druid would not take any reward but sought the one eye which was in Eochaid's head and for his honour and fearing that the druid would satirize him he gave it to him. St. Ruadhan was at that time with Eochaid and was witness of this unreasonable request. He said: "I will it, if the Lord wills it. That your eye shall go into the head of Eochaid in place of his own eye." God granted this miracle for Ruadhan. The eyes of Lobhan were transferred to Eochaid and he saw with them; hence he was called Suilleabhain (the eyes of Lobhan).


The Race of FAilbhe Flann here:-

Failbhe Flann, died 637, son of Aodh Dubh son of Criom Thainn had one son, i.e., Colga.

Colga's son - Nad Fraoich
Nad Fraoich's son - Daolghus
Daolghus's son - O Donnghail
Donnghail's son - Sneadghue
Sneadghue's son - Artghail
Artghail's son - Lachtna
Lachtna's son - Buadhchain
Buadhchain's son - Ceallachan (died 954)
Son of Ceallachan Caisil was Donnchadh
Donnchadh had two sons: Saoirlmeathach (from whom the MacCarthy's) and Murchad from whom are the O'Callaghans.


The branching out of the descendants of Saoirbreathach son of Donnchadh son of Ceallachain Caisil.

Saoibreathach had one son i.e., Carrtahch (from whom is named the McCarthy family). Carrthach had a son i.e., Muireadach. Muireadach had two sons i.e., Tadhg and Cormac of Magh Theamhnach. From Tadhg is the Clann Amhlaibh (MacAuliffes). Cormac Maighe Theamnach had one son ie., Diarmuid of Cill Baidhne. Diarmuid Cill Baidhne had two sons i.e., Domhnall Mor na Curradh and Comrac Liathanach, from whom is Clann Teig Ruadh na Sgairte.

Domhnall Mor na Curradh son son of Diarmuid Cille Baidhne had two sons, i.e., Cormac Fionn from whom the kings of Desmond; and Domhnall God from whom the MacCarthy's of Carbery.

Cormac Fionn son of Domhnall Mor na Curradh had four sons: Domhnall Ruadh na Nosbhreath (from whom is the kingship of Desmond); Diarmuid Ruadh (from whom are the MacCarthy's of Duhallow); Donnchadh Carrthainn (from whom is the Clann Mac Domhnaill); and Domhnall Fionn (from whom is the Clann Domhnaill Fionn).

Domhnall Ruadh na Noisbhreath, king of Desmond, had one son i.e., Domhnall Og.

Domhnall Og, had three sons, i.e., Cormac, King of Desmond; Diarmuid Traigh Le (Tralee), from whom are the Sliocht Finghin na Ceithrinne; and Eoghan, from whom are Clann Domhnaill Ruaidh.

Cormac, son of Domhnall Og, king of Desmond, had four sons: Domhnall, from whom the kingship; Diarmuid Mor of Muskerry; Eoghan of bord Mainge, from whom are the McCarthys of Coshmaine (Castlemaine); Donnchadh Laidir, from whom Sliocht Arda Canachta (Ardcanaght Co., Kerry) and the Sliocht Chnuic Fhornochta (Parish of Aglish, Kerry).

Domnall son of Cormac son of Domhnall Og had four sons: Tadhg na Mainistreach 'of the Monastery', from whom the kingship; Diarmuid Bearrtha from whom Sliocht Diarmuid; Finghin and Eoghan, sons of the daughter of Lord Courcey from whom is Sliocht Inghine an Ridire (Race of the Knight's Daughter) at Loch Luighaheach.

Tadhg na Mainistreach had three sons: Domhnall an Dana, King of Desmond; Cormac of Dun Goill and Diarmaid of Tir Atha; Domhnall an Dana, King of Desmond, had three sons: Tadhg Laith; Cormac of Baile an Charraigh and Domhnall Breac. These latter two sons died without issue.

Tadhg Liath, king od Desmond, had two sons, i.e., Domhnall called Diol an Chuaille and Cormac Lyragh. Domhnall i.e. Diol an Chuaille had two sons, Tadhg of the Laune and Domhnall Beag. These two died without issue.

Cormac Lynagh had two sons, i.e., Tadhg of Dun Caoinean, and Domhnall of Druiminin.

Domhnall of Druiminin had two sons, Tadhg an Chaladh and Domhnall, first Earl of Clancarthy. And this latter Domhnall left only a daughter, i.e., Aibhilin, and she was married to McCarthy Reagh, i.e., to Florence McCarthy and he came into Desmond to take the titles and property of McCarthy More, but he died not succeeded. He was taken by Queen Elizabeth and lodged in the Tower of London where he eventually died.

The McCarthys of Desmond down to this.

McCarthys of Carbery.

The descendants of Domhnall god of Carbery here.

Domhnall god (died 1252), son of Domhnall Mor na Curra and grandson of Diarmuid Cille Baidhne had five sons, Domhnal Maol, from whom the Kingship; Diarmuid Reamhar, from whom Clan Diarmuid Rour; Tadhg Dall, a quo Clan Teig Aighlionn at Skibereen; Finghin of Ringrone and Cormac of Mangerton.

Domhnall Maol son of Domhnall god had family: Domhnall cam, Cormac Finn, Sean Ruadh, Donnchadh Mor and Donnchadh Canthainn. Domhnall Glas son of Domhnall cam. Cormac Donn son of Domhnall cam from whom Tadhg an Duna. Diarmuid son of Domhnall cam from whom the O'Vremins. Diarmuid of Fial son of Domhnall cam. Donnchadh of Fial son of Domhnall cam, from whom the O'Cullenanes. Diarmuid of Gamdha, son of Domhnall and two other Diarmuidhs.

Genealogy of McCarthy Reagh (compiled in 1703)

Cormac (1703)
Son of Domhnall
Son of Cormac
Son of Domhnall na bPichuidhe ('of the Pipes')
Son of Cormac na hEoine
Son of Domhnall
Son of Finghin
Son of Diarmuid of Dun
Son of Domhnall Reagh
Son of Domhnall Glas (died 1442)
Son of Domhnall cam (alive 1305)
Son of Domhnall Maol
Son of Domhnall god (died 1252)

McCarthys of Duhallow

Cormac Finn, son of Domhnall Mor na Curra, had a son, Diarmuid Ruadh, from whom are the McCarthys of Ealla (Duhallow). Diarmuid Ruadh had s son, Diarmuid Og. Diarmuid Og had a son, Donnchadh na Sgoile ('of the school'). The latter had a son, Cormac. Cormac had a son, Donnchadh. The latter's son, Donnchadh Og. Donnchadh Og had two sons, Cormac and Eoghan. A line of genealogy traced back to Cormac: Cormac na dTonn ('of the waves') and Finghin and Eoghan and Donnchadh Og, four son of Donnchadh, son of Cormac son of Cormac Og son of Cormac. A line of genealogy traced back to Eoghan: Cormac, son of Donncadh 'of the school,' son of Diaruid son of Diarmuid son of Eoghan son of Donnchadh an Ehothair son of Eoghan.

McCarthys of Muskerry

Diarmuid Mor of Muscraighe had three sons, Cormac, from whom the kingship; Donnchadh from whom the McCarthys of Clonfadda (Clonrohid); Feidhlimid, from whom the McCarthys of Tuath na Dromann (Kilnamartyra).

Cormac had two sons: Domhnall, from whom the ept of Shanakillie (at Kilcorney) and Tadg, from whom the kingship of Muskerry.

Tadhg son of Cormac had three sons: Diarmuid, from whom the McCarthys of Tuath O gCiabhaigh (Drishane parish); Cormac son of Tadhg (built the Blarney Castle, 1488); Eoghan of Cloch Reo (Cloghroe). Cormac son of Teig had one son: Cormac og Laidir. This latter had one son: Tadhg. Tadhg had four sons: Diarmuid, Cormac, Domhnall, Ceallachan. Diarmuid had two sons: Cormac and Tadhg. Cormac had four sons: Tadhg, Cormac Og, Donnchadh and Domhnall Spainneach. Tadhg had two sons: Diarmuid and Cormac.

Cormac Og was the first Viscount Muskerry and had one son: Donnchadh, Earl of Clancarthy. This Donnchadh had three sons: Cormac, Viscount Muskerry, lost in the Duke of Yorks ship in the flemish War (1665); Ceallachan and Saorbhreathach. This Saorbhreathach (Justin) was made Lord of Mountcashel A.D. 1690 and he ws later appointed Lieutenant General by the King of France in the war with the Empire. He died without issue.

Tadhg, son of Cormac had two sons, i.e., Diarmuid and Cormac. Domhnall Spainneach (ancestor of the Carignavar McCarthys), had two sons: Cormac Spainneach and Stephen. Cormac Spainneach had three sons: Domhnall, Donnchadh and Ceallachan. Domhnall had three sons: Cormac, Justin and Domhnall Og. And Lady Cahir was their mother. And this Domhnall died at Carrignavar June 11, 1692. And his said Lady died 22 Jan, 1703. Donnchadh son of Cormac Spainneach was Major in Regiment of Mount Cashel and died in France. Ceallachan is now (1703) Lieutenant in the French army.


The O'Callaghans

Murchadh son of Donnchadh son of Ceallachan Caiseil had one son Domhnall. Domhnall's son - Ceallachan. Ceallachan's son - Cinneidigh. Cinneidigh's son - Aodh. Aodh's son - Murchadh. Murchad's son - Mathghamain (Mahon) Mathghamain's son - Macraith Macraith's son - Lochlainn Lochlainn's son - Maol Sheachlainn (Malachy) Maolseachlainn's son - Macraith Macraith's son - Cinneidhigh Cinneidhigh's son - Donnchadh Donnchadh's son - Conchubhar Lynagh Conchubar's son - Tadhg Ruadh (died 1532) Tadhg Ruadh's four sons - Donnchadh (died 1577), Cathaoir, Diarmuid and Eoghan Donnchadh's son - Conchubhar Conchbhar's son - Ceallachan (died 1578) Ceallachan's son - Cathaoir Modartha.

Cathaoir Modartha's family: Donnchadh, Tadhg, Ceallachan, and Conchubhar. Donnchadh had five sons: Tadhg, Donnchadh Og, Cathaoir, Ceallachan and Murchadh. Tadhg had three sons: Conchubhar, Donnchadh and Cathaoir. Ceallachan, son of Cathaoior Modartha, had two sons: Ceallachan and Cinneidigh. Conchubhar, son of Cahaoir Modartha, had two sons: Cathaoir, slain in Ulster and Tadhg, now (1703) married to Mary daughter of Cormac Spainneach McCarthy (Carrignavar) and she previously was wife to Donnchadh Og son of Donnchadh son of Cathaoir Modartha.


Eochaid (alias Suilleabhan) had two sons: Lorcan and Suibhne. Lorcan ahd a son Buadagh of Ath Cro. Buadhach of Ath Cro had two sons: Aodh and Gormgall, from the latter Clan Denair). Aodh had a son, Cathal. Cathal had four sons: Aodh, Buadhach, Deamhanville and the Bishop. Buadhach son of Cathal ahd three sons: Giolla Padraig, Macraith and Anadh. Macraith had six sons: Diarmuid, Giolla na bhFlann, Conchobhar, Cearbhall, Lochlann and Domhnall Mor of Carraig Fionmhuige - from his twelve sons were sprung the various branches of O'Sullivan. His twelve sons were: Ruaidhri, from whom Clan Ruaidhri; Giolla na Flann from whom O'Vullivan Beare and O'Sullivan Maol; Giolla Mochuda from whom O'Sullivan More; Siuthchraidh, Conchubhar, Diarmuid, Finginn, Macraith Reagh, Henry, Anadh the bishop, and Lochlainn.

The Genealogy of O'Sullivan Mor

Domhnall (now alive in 1703), son of Eoghan Roe (who in Dublin 1687), son of Domhnall son of Eoghan, son of Domhnall, son of Eoghan, son of Domhnall na Eluinige son of Domhnall, son of Domhnall na Sgreadaighe, son of Domhnall Kantagh son of Ruaidhri (his brother was Macraith from whom the family of Macraith of Cappanacugha), son of Dunlang, son of Buadach, son of Bearnard son of Muircheartach Mor son of Dunlang son of Ciolla Mochuda son of Domhnall Mor of Carrig Finnihuighe.

Sept of Macraith (Magrath) of the O'Sullivans: Diarmuid son of Eoghan son of conchobhar son of Diarmuid son of Buadach son of Eoghan son of Domhnall, son of Macratith, son of Dunland, etc., as in O'Sullivan Mor pedigree.

The Genealogy of O'Sullivn Beare

Domhnall na Spainne, first Earl (defender of Dumboy, 1602, slain at Madrid 1618), son of Domhnall cron son of Diarmuid, son of Domhnall, son of Domhnall, son of Diarmuid fallach, son of Tadhg, son of Amlaoibh, son of Anadh, son of Pilib, son of Giiolla na Flann son of Domhnall Mor of Carraig Fionnmhuighe.

The genealogy of McGillicuddy (Mac Giolla Mochuda)

Conchubhor son of Donnchadha son of Domhnall son of Donnchadh son of Donnchadh son of Conchubhar son of Conchubhar son of Giolla Mochuda, son of conchubhar son of Tiolla Mochuda caoch, son of Dunland son of Giolla Mochuda son of Domhnall Mor of Carraig Fionmhuighe.

Ui Eachach Mumhan

Cas, son of Corc, had one son - Eochu, from whom is called the Ui Eachach (Ivagha). This Eochu had seven sons: Criomthann, Brian, Breassal, Ceannagan, Muireagn, Lughaid Ciochach and Caibhlen. None of these had issue except Criomthann and Caibhlen. Criomthann had two sons: Laoghaire and Aodh Uargharg.

(the Book of Munster contains a genealogical poem of Cathan O'Duinnin written in 1320 containing 126 stanzas tracing the branching out of the Cineal Laoghaire - the O'Donoghues and several other kindred families - the genealogical content is given here below)

Laoghaire, son of Criomthann, from whom is Cinel Laoghaire. This Laoghaire had three sons: Ughoin, Flann Lua and Aodh Osraigheach.

Ughoin, from whom is the sept named Corca Ughoin. Ughoin had a son, Corc. Corc had five sons: Longadh, from whom was the O'Longhadh (O'Long) family; Niall, from whom the O'Neill family; Dubhthacain, from whom was O'Dubhthacain (O'Duggan); Feichan, from whom was O'Feichin (O'Feehin) and Donn, who had no issue.

Flann Lua or Laoi, son of Laoghaire. He is named for the river Lee and is ancestor of the sept Ui Flainn Lua. Flann Lua had four sons: Deice, from whom Muintir Dheice; Tuathan, from whom Muinter Tuathail; Donnghal, from whom Muintir Donnghail and Amhalghaid, from whom Muinter Amhalnghaid.

Donnghal had five sons: Laoghaire, from whom the Ui Laoghaire (O'Leary), who were chiefs of this district. Donnghal, from whom the Ui Dohnnghaile (O'Donnell); Mongan, from whom the Ui Changain (Mongon); Connall, from whom Ui Chonaill (O'Connell) and Loingsheach, from whom Ui Loingshigh (Lynch).

Rinn Mor son of Laoghaire from whom was the Muintir Rinn.

Tuathal son of Flann Lua had five sons: Ceitin, from whom Ui Cheitin; Meagagan, a quo Ui Mhearagain; Aghnach, a quo Ui Aghnaigh; Cuilen, a quo Ui Chailein; and Cainte.

Ceinte had a son: Crocharan. Ciocharan had three sons: Eoghan, from whom Ui Eoghain; Agha, from whom Ui Agha; and Maothagan, from whom the Muintir Mhaothagain.

Deice son of Flann Lua, had a son i.e., Dubhagh, from whom Ui Dubhaigh, but this family and the family of Amhangaid, son of Flann Lua have become extinct through the curse of St. Srafan of Dromdaleague.

The descendants of Aodh Osraigheach, son of Laoghaire (O'Donohues). Aodh Osraigheach son of Laoghaire (a quo clan Laoghaire) had two sons; Donn Creigheach and Cairbre. Cairbre's son, ie., Clairmeach. Clairmeach had three sons and a daughter; Ceallach and Cuanna and Dunland the three sons and Cruineaca Lanogh, the daughter's name. Dunland succeeded to the kingship after his father. Dunland had a son, Elathach. Elathach had two sons, i.e., Feaghal and Dunlang. Fearghal had s son, Beannt, from whom are the sept of Beanntraighe (Bantry) in Cork.

Beannt had four sons: Aibhneair, from whom came the Tuath Aibhneoir; Deannan, from whom the Tuath Deannan; Duilghin, from whom Muinter Duilghin; and Daire, from whom Muintir Dhaire.

Sealbhach son of Clairneach, had four sons: Slat, Elathach, MacIodhar, and Cochlan. The descendants of Slat and Elathach fell into obscurity; Cochlan, son of Sealbhach, had four sons: Aodh, from whom is Ui Aodha (O'Hea); Cochlan from whom Ui Chochlain (O'Cohalane, O'Coughlan); Ceanndubh, from whom Ui Cheannduibh (O'Cannifee); Airchinneach, from whom Ui Airchinnigh; Maicthrialla, from whom the Ui Mhaicthrialla; and Maolbhridhde, who died without issue.

Maolodhar son of Sealbach had five sons: Ealathach, from whom the Mac Ealathaigh family; Buadhach, from whom the Ui Buadaigh (O'Bogue); Cathalan, from whom Ui Chathalain (Cahalane); Maoilin, from whom Ui Mhaoilin; and Croinin, from whom the Ui Chroinin family (O'Cronin).

So far the face of Sealbhaigh son of Clairineach.

Elathach, son of Dunlang, son of Clairneach, had one son Dunland. Dunlang had a son, Ainbhleithe. Anbhleithe had a son, Flaithnia. Flaithnia had five sons: Aonghus, from whom the kingship; Flaitheamh, from whom Ui Flaitheamh (O'Flahiffe); Flann, from whom Ui Floinn (O'Flynn); Conghal, from whom Ui Chonghaile (Connelly); and Ceallachan, from whom Ui Ceallachan (O'Callaghan).

St. Srafan the wise man from Leinster brought with him to Dromdaleague his sister's son, Ailghean. he married a daughter of Flann son of Flaithnia and they had four sons: Nala, from whom UI Nala (Whooley); Donn, from whom Ui Duinn (O'Dunne); Ailghean, a quo Ui Ailghean (Allen); and Cathan, from whom some of the Ui Cathain (Keane) families.

When Maonach came from Lann Leine to South Munster he brought Aitniadh with him. The son of Airtniadh was called the Deasmhuimhneach ('South Munsterman"), from whom was the Ui Dheasmhumhna family (Desmonds).

The O'Keefes

The Genealogy of O'Keeffe

Domhnall son of Conchubhar (alive now in 1703), son of Domhnall son of Maghnus, son of Art Og, son of Art, son of Domhnall, son of Maghnus, son of Domhnall, son of Art, son of Conchubhar, son of Eoghan finn, son of Maghnus, son of Fionghuine, son of Aodh, son of Fionnghuine, son of Domhnall, son of Aodh, son of Donnchadh, son of Caomh (from whom O'Caoish), son of Fionghuine, son of Gorman, son of Artri, son of cathal, son of Finghuine, son of Cu-gan-mathair, son of Cathal, son of Aodh, son of Cairbre crom, son of Criomthann Sremh, son of Eochaidh finn, son of Aonghus, son of Nadfraoich, son of Corc.

The descendants of Conchubhar son of Eoghan Finn O'Keefe

Conchobhar, son of Eoghan, had four sons: Art, from whom the O'Keefe's of Dromagh; another Art, from whom Conn Maol, the Dominican brother; Domhall Croich, from whom the Sept of Gleann an Phreachain (Glenville, near Rathcormac); and Lughaidh, from whom the sept of Dunbulloge.

Genealogy of the Sept of Gleann an Phreachain

Art Caoch, he had two sons: Conchubhar and Fionghuine. Both went to France and died there. His one daughter Margret was married to Art O'Caoimh (O'Keefe) of Ballymichael (Kilmurray parish) in Muskerry.

Son of Domhnall

This Domhnall had five sons: Art, above mentioned; David, Aodh, Donnchadh and Maghnus. he also had five daughters: Evelyn, wife of Garret Barry of Littleisland, Cork; Honora, wife of Richard FitzEdmondd, brother of John Mor FitzEdmund (Fitzgerald) of Cloyne; Ellen, wife of James FitzJohn Maol Barry of Coole (Castlelyons); Margaret, wife of Maurice son of John son of Redmond Roche of Ballinamona; and Muirionn, who was wife of David Caoch Condon son of Richard of Billeragh (Kilworth) and it is they who hold the lordship of the Condons now.

Son of Airt, son of Domhnall, son of Art.

This Art had nine sons i.e., Domhnall, Lughaid, Donnchadh, Conchubhair, Art Og, Caomh, Fionghuine, Aodh and Eoghan. From Domhnall the ruling line is descended. From Lughaid was sprung Conn mac Conchubhair the Prior with his brothers; from Donnchad was Cathal na Seabhac 'of the Hawks', and his brothers and Cathal Og mac Donnchadha. From Art og was sprung the writer of this book. From Caomh was sprung Caomh son of Diarmuid and his brothers and other four died without issue. And this Art had four daughters. Helen, wife of Barry of Lemlara; Mary, wife of the man (Barry) of Knockmaha; and Muriann, wife of the man (Barry) of Dunkettle. And Art had as wife Margaret, daughter of Domhnall, son of Art, son of Domhnall, son of Art, son of Conchubhar O'Keefe.

Son of Eoghan

He had three sons: Art, above mentioned, Donnchadh from whom Art O'Caoimh of Ballymichel and his brothers and Eoghan. He also had three daughters: Siobhan, wife of Nagle - she built Carrigacunna Castle (Kilavullen Mallow). Helen, wife of Richard Barry, Ballinaclasha (Lisgoold); and Sile, wife of Donnchadh O'Keeffe of Dunbolg.

Son of Diarmuid

This Diarmuid ahd two sons: Tadhg and Eoghan. From Tadhg came Red Keefe of the Cannaidhe and his brothers. From Eoghan descended the ruling line.

Son of Domhnall Croich
Son of Conchubhar
Son of Eoghan Finn
Son of Maghnus

Eoghanacht of Loch Lein (Killarney) i.e., O'Muircheartaigh (O'Moriarty) and his co-relatives.

Genealogy of O'Muircheartaigh

Domhnall, son of Muircheartaigh, son of Domhnall, son of Domhnall son of Eoghan, son of Eoghan, son of Maolduin, son of Eoghan son of Tadhg son of Muireadhach son of Maolduin son of Fionnsuileach son of Muircheartach (from whom the family are named), son of Murchadh, son of Cathan son of Cobhthach son of Maolduin, son of aodh, son of Conaing, son of Cummine, son of Aodh Beaunan, son of Criomthann, son of Cobhtach son of Duach Iarliathe, son of Maine, son of Cairbre Luachra, son of Cork.

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